Simulation Example: Propensity score trimming and reference population

Motivation example: Heterogeneous treatment effect and propensity score adjustments

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

from scipy.linalg import toeplitz

def propensity_eq(x, cov_mat, R2_d=0.5):
    dim_x = x.shape[1]
    beta = [1 / (k**2) for k in range(1, dim_x + 1)]
    b_sigma_b =, beta), beta)
    c_d = np.sqrt(np.pi**2 / 3. * R2_d/((1-R2_d) * b_sigma_b))
    xx = np.exp(, np.multiply(beta, c_d)))
    propensity_score = (xx/(1+xx))
    return propensity_score

def potential_outcome_eq(x, cov_mat, R2_y=0.5, theta=0):
    dim_x = x.shape[1]
    beta = [1 / (k**2) for k in range(1, dim_x + 1)]
    b_sigma_b =, beta), beta)
    c_y = np.sqrt(R2_y/((1-R2_y) * b_sigma_b))
    d = 0
    Y_0 = d * theta + d *, np.multiply(beta, c_y))
    d = 1
    Y_1 = d * theta + d *, np.multiply(beta, c_y))
    return Y_0, Y_1

def make_irm_data(n_obs=500, dim_x=2, theta=0, R2_d=0.5, R2_y=0.5):
    Variation of DoubleML's make_irm_data function. Generates data for the interactive regression model (IRM) example and returns potential values
    Belloni, A., Chernozhukov, V., Fernández‐Val, I. and Hansen, C. (2017). Program Evaluation and Causal Inference With
    High‐Dimensional Data. Econometrica, 85: 233-298.
    # inspired by, see suplement
    v = np.random.uniform(size=[n_obs, ])
    zeta = np.random.standard_normal(size=[n_obs, ])
    cov_mat = toeplitz([np.power(0.5, k) for k in range(dim_x)])
    x = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(dim_x), cov_mat, size=[n_obs, ])
    propensity_score = propensity_eq(x, cov_mat, R2_d)
    D = 1. * (propensity_score > v)
    Y_0, Y_1 = potential_outcome_eq(x, cov_mat, R2_y, theta)
    Y = (1 - D) * Y_0 + D * Y_1 + zeta
    x_flat = pd.DataFrame(x, columns=[f'x_{i}' for i in range(x.shape[1])])
    df_orcl = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame({'Y_0': Y_0, 'Y_1': Y_1, 'ps': propensity_score, 'D': D, 'Y': Y}), x_flat], axis=1)
    df = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame({'D': D, 'Y': Y}), x_flat], axis=1)

    results = {'df': df, 'df_orcl': df_orcl}

    return results

Parameters \{a_1,a_2,b_1,b_2,c_1,c_2\} might be modified for tuning later.


R2_d= 0.35
R2_y= 0.35
dim_x = 2
theta = 0
n_obs = 1000
data_dict = make_irm_data(n_obs=n_obs, dim_x=dim_x, theta=theta, R2_d=R2_d, R2_y=R2_y)
# Generate a histogram of propensity scores for treated and non-treated
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.hist(data_dict['df_orcl'].loc[data_dict['df_orcl']['D'] == 1, 'ps'], bins=20, alpha=0.5, label='Treated')
plt.hist(data_dict['df_orcl'].loc[data_dict['df_orcl']['D'] == 0, 'ps'], bins=20, alpha=0.5, label='Non-treated')
plt.xlabel('Propensity Score')
plt.title('Histogram of Propensity Scores')

min_ps_treated  = data_dict['df_orcl'].loc[data_dict['df_orcl']['D'] == 1, 'ps'].min()
max_ps_treated = data_dict['df_orcl'].loc[data_dict['df_orcl']['D'] == 1, 'ps'].max()
min_ps_control = data_dict['df_orcl'].loc[data_dict['df_orcl']['D'] == 0, 'ps'].min()
max_ps_control = data_dict['df_orcl'].loc[data_dict['df_orcl']['D'] == 0, 'ps'].max()

# Compute the minimum and maximum propensity scores for treated and non-treated

# add vertical line at min_ps_treated and add label with value for min_ps_treated
plt.axvline(x=min_ps_treated, color='r', linestyle='--', label=f'Min PS Treated: {min_ps_control:.2f}')
plt.axvline(x=max_ps_control, color='r', linestyle='--', label=f'Max PS Control: {max_ps_control:.2f}')
# add legend below plot
plt.legend(loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.05), shadow=True, ncol=2)

Summary of the propensity scores. This probably could be tuned more, but you can see that some areas have p_{treat} < 0.1 and thus trimming etc. might be advisable.

# summary of prop score
     count      mean       std       min       25%       50%       75%  \
0.0  511.0  0.375940  0.220918  0.018597  0.189679  0.355096  0.539133   
1.0  489.0  0.624728  0.215901  0.058309  0.471686  0.648537  0.808571   

0.0  0.926319  
1.0  0.988399  

Plot values of propensity score against values of X_1 and X_2 to illustrate what cutting off / clipping / discarding observations w.r.t. to the propensity score would imply in terms of the values of X_1 and X_2.

The surface plot shows that for high values of X_2, the propensity score varies a lot with X_1. Thus, we have “areas” of Overlap problems.

# create a plotly surface plot that maps the propensity value against all combinations of X_1 and X_2
import plotly.graph_objects as go

cov_mat = toeplitz([0.5**k for k in range(2)])
# Set up a grid for X_1 and X_2
x1 = np.linspace(-3, 3, 100)
x2 = np.linspace(-3, 3, 100)
X_1, X_2 = np.meshgrid(x1, x2)

# prepare array for propensity scores (100x100)
propensity_score = np.zeros((x1.shape[0], x2.shape[0]))

# for each combination of X_1 and X_2, compute the propensity score
for i in range(x1.shape[0]):
    for j in range(x2.shape[0]):
        x = np.array([X_1[i,j], X_2[i,j]]).reshape(1,2)
        cov_mat = toeplitz([np.power(0.5, k) for k in range(dim_x)])
        ps_score = propensity_eq(x, cov_mat, R2_d)
        propensity_score[i,j] = ps_score
/tmp/ipykernel_27680/ DeprecationWarning:

Conversion of an array with ndim > 0 to a scalar is deprecated, and will error in future. Ensure you extract a single element from your array before performing this operation. (Deprecated NumPy 1.25.)
fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Surface(z=propensity_score, x=X_1, y=X_2)])
fig.update_layout(title='Propensity score surface plot', autosize=False, width=500, height=500)

# Show plot
# Create a df with propensity score and values for X_1 and X_2
propensity_df = pd.DataFrame({'X_1': X_1.flatten(), 'X_2': X_2.flatten(), 'ps': propensity_score.flatten()})

We implement trimming for propensity scores smaller than 0.1

# indicator for being trimmed from above, i.e., if ps > 1-trim_val
trim_val = 0.1
propensity_df['trim_top'] = np.where(propensity_df['ps'] > 1-trim_val, 1, 0)
propensity_df['trim_bottom'] = np.where(propensity_df['ps'] < trim_val, 1, 0)

18.75\% of the observations get trimmed from above (because their p_{treat} > 0.9 ) and 18.75\% (because p_{treat} <0.1).

# share of trimmed
propensity_df[["trim_top", "trim_bottom"]].mean()*100
trim_top       18.75
trim_bottom    18.75
dtype: float64
# create a heatmap uisng propensity_df
import as px

fig = px.density_heatmap(propensity_df, x='X_1', y='X_2', z='ps', title='Propensity score heatmap', histfunc = 'avg', nbinsx=100, nbinsy=100)

# Compute values of X_1 and X_2 for which the propensity score is greater than trim_val
trim_val = 0.1
propensity_df['trimmed'] = (propensity_df['ps'] < trim_val).astype(int) | (propensity_df['ps']  > 1-trim_val).astype(int)
share_trimmed = propensity_df['trimmed'].mean()

# Add title to the plot
fig.update_layout(title=f'Propensity score heatmap with trim_val = {trim_val}, Share of trimmed obs: {share_trimmed*100}%')

The next plot shows the propensity score only for the untrimmed subpopulation. Note: On the top left observations are missing, that we “trimmed”

# Heat map for only untrimmed observations

# filter out trimmed observations
propensity_df_untrimmed = propensity_df[propensity_df['trimmed'] == 0]

fig = px.density_heatmap(propensity_df_untrimmed, x='X_1', y='X_2', z='ps', title='Propensity score heatmap for untrimmed observations', histfunc = 'avg', nbinsx=100, nbinsy=100)

# Add title to the plot
fig.update_layout(title=f'Propensity score heatmap for untrimmed observations')

Next, we want to look at the potential outcomes for the different areas of X_1, X_2. We see, that the average Y_0 and Y_1 is very high in the trimmed area - does this lead to problems maybe? Is the population still the same even though we trimmed?

# Add potential outcomes to propensity_df
Y_0, Y_1 = potential_outcome_eq(x = propensity_df.loc[:, ['X_1', 'X_2']], cov_mat=cov_mat, R2_y=R2_y, theta=theta)
propensity_df['Y_0'] = Y_0
propensity_df['Y_1'] = Y_1
# Heatmap for Y_0 based on untrimmed obs only
propensity_df_untrimmed = propensity_df[propensity_df['trimmed'] == 0]
fig = px.density_heatmap(propensity_df_untrimmed, x='X_1', y='X_2', z='Y_0', title='Potential outcome Y_0 heatmap for untrimmed observations', histfunc = 'avg', nbinsx=100, nbinsy=100)

# Add title to the plot
fig.update_layout(title=f'Potential outcome Y_0 heatmap for untrimmed observations')
# Heatmap for Y_1 based on untrimmed obs only
fig = px.density_heatmap(propensity_df_untrimmed, x='X_1', y='X_2', z='Y_1', title='Potential outcome Y_1 heatmap for untrimmed observations', histfunc = 'avg', nbinsx=100, nbinsy=100)

# Add title to the plot
fig.update_layout(title=f'Potential outcome Y_1 heatmap for untrimmed observations')

# Heatmap for Y based on untrimmed obs only

Compare untrimmed to trimmed data in terms of distribution of X_1 and X_2. You can tell, that we bite out a corner of the distribution :)

# Plot joint density of X_1 and X_2

# Creating a 2D histogram
fig = px.density_heatmap(propensity_df, x='X_1', y='X_2', nbinsx=30, nbinsy=30, color_continuous_scale='Blues')

# Updating layout for better readability
    title='2D Histogram using Plotly',

# Show the plot
# Plot joint density of X_1 and X_2

# Creating a 2D histogram
fig = px.density_heatmap(propensity_df_untrimmed, x='X_1', y='X_2', nbinsx=30, nbinsy=30, color_continuous_scale='Blues')

# Updating layout for better readability
    title='2D Histogram using Plotly',

# Show the plot

Next steps/ open questions

  • What could be done next is to simulate data, estimate with DoubleML and then assess how the trimming affects the distribution of X_1 and X_2 as compared to the reference population. Do different trimming rules (truncation, discarding) lead to different results?
  • So far, we considered a simple linear model with a constant effect of D on Y. If the effect (i.e. Y_1 - Y_0 is allowed to vary with X_1 and X_2, trimming/discarding might lead to non-random sample selection
  • The example was based on uniformly distributed covariates… it might make sense to look at other distributions, e.g. joint normal


from doubleml import DoubleMLIRM, DoubleMLData
from lightgbm import LGBMClassifier, LGBMRegressor
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_predict
  1. “Truncation”
results = []
num_repetitions = 1
for i in range(num_repetitions):
    result_i = []
    true_theta = 1
    df_dict = make_irm_data(n_obs=n_obs, dim_x=dim_x, theta=theta, R2_d=R2_d, R2_y=R2_y)
    data = DoubleMLData(df_dict['df'], 'Y', 'D', ['x_0', 'x_1'])
    ml_g, ml_m = LGBMRegressor(verbose = -1), LGBMClassifier(verbose = -1)
    for trimming_value in [0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1]:
        dml_obj = DoubleMLIRM(data, ml_g, ml_m, trimming_threshold=trimming_value)
        result_i.append(dml_obj.coef[0] - true_theta) # append bias of trimming value
    results.append(result_i) # append result of repetition i
result_frame = pd.DataFrame(results, columns=["trim 0.001", "trim 0.01", "trim 0.05", "trim 0.1"])
trim 0.001 trim 0.01 trim 0.05 trim 0.1
0 -0.528917 -0.744113 -0.915383 -0.921815
  1. “Discarding”
results = []
num_repetitions = 1
for i in range(num_repetitions):
    result_i = []
    # make data
    df_dict = make_irm_data(n_obs=n_obs, dim_x=dim_x, theta=theta, R2_d=R2_d, R2_y=R2_y)
    data = df_dict['df']
    # make estimators
    ml_g, ml_m = LGBMRegressor(verbose = -1), LGBMClassifier(verbose = -1)
    # estimate pscore
    data["pscore_est"] = cross_val_predict(ml_m, data.drop(columns=["Y", "D"]), data.D, method='predict_proba')[:,1]
    for trimming_value in [0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1]:
        # discard poor overlap
        data_trimmed = data.loc[~((data["pscore_est"] < trimming_value) | (data["pscore_est"] > 1 - trimming_value))].drop(columns=["pscore_est"])
        # create dml data obj
        dml_data = DoubleMLData.from_arrays(x=data_trimmed.drop(columns=["Y", "D"]),
        dml_obj = DoubleMLIRM(dml_data, ml_g, ml_m, trimming_threshold=1e-12) # set trimming very low because we already discarded
        result_i.append(dml_obj.coef[0] - true_theta) # append bias of trimming value
    results.append(result_i) # append result of repetition i
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        True,  True,  True])
result_frame = pd.DataFrame(results, columns=["trim 0.001", "trim 0.01", "trim 0.05", "trim 0.1"])
trim 0.001 trim 0.01 trim 0.05 trim 0.1
0 -0.528917 -1.484421 -1.070437 -0.504971

TODO: Look at trimmed and untrimmed distributions, look at distributions of potential outcomes, look at bias.